Myofunctional Therapy /Orofacial Myology

Meredith received certification by the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) in 2015 in order to provide sanctioned and thorough intervention.

She teams with other Airway Centric healthcare providers such as dentists, ENTs, allergists and orthodontists to provide holistic airway health for patients of all ages.

  • Team approach to airway health

  • "Tongue Thrust" / Interdental swallow / Reverse swallow

  • Elimination of Sucking habits: thumb/fingers/pacifier

  • Diagnosis and remediation of Ankyloglossia/Tongue Tie

  • Speech sound production

  • Buteyko: To establish nasal breathing

  • Crossbites / overjets / underbites

  • Open mouth posture

  • Poor lip strength

  • Re-engineer tongue movement and function

  • Poor jaw stability

  • Appropriate teeth eruption

  • "Long face syndrome"

  • Restoration of normal and balanced/harmonious muscle movement


Additional News:

* Meredith continues to provide educational in-services for dental study groups, sleep professionals, and ENTs committed to holistic airway health.

* Endeavoring to be thorough in her approach, Meredith attended her third 28-hour Orofacial Myology course taught by Mary Billings, October 2021.

* Because nasal breathing is essential to overall health, Meredith teaches Buteyko nasal breathing, starting August 2020.

* Wanting to learn more, Meredith attended Kristie Gatto’s 28-hour Orofacial Myology course at The Breathe Institute in Calabasas, CA, February 2020.

* Traveled to observe Richard Baxter, DMD, author of the book, Tongue-Tied, conduct frenectomies in his office December 2019.

* Secured 1.5 hours of 1:1 time with Mary Burke, the CEO of the Myo Munchee, September 2019.

* Attended the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) Conference focused on Airway Health, in New Orleans in September 2019!

* Georgia Speech-Language Hearing Association 2018 conference presentation on the topic of “How to Diagnose and Remediate Tongue Tie”

* Meredith is reading: Breath, Sleep-Wrecked Kids, GASP, Tongue-Tied, Twelve Foot Tiger in a Ten Foot Cage.